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· 6 min read

Hello Mettalex Community 👋,

Thanks to your support, our journey has continued to progress this quarter, marked by significant milestones and growth.

We're excited to share these achievements and the steps we've taken to enhance our platform.

Mettalex Quarterly Update

Mettalex Secures $1 Million USD in FET Tokens

We are thrilled to announce that Mettalex’s Community Funding Proposal for $1 million USD worth of FET from the Community Development Pool has successfully passed.

This significant milestone reflects strong support from the community. ❤️

How the Funds Will Be Used:

  1. Ongoing Development: Accelerate platform enhancement.
  2. Marketing Initiatives: Strengthen community engagement.
  3. Liquidity Enhancement: Boost liquidity, stabilize MTLX token, and support new assets.

Read more: Mettalex Secures $1 Million USD in FET Tokens

Successful Launch of Private Beta Release

Last quarter, one of our major achievements was the successful launch of the Mettalex platform's Private Beta. The response from our community has been incredibly positive, with more than 1,000 individuals expressing interest in participating. To date, we have granted access on a rolling basis to over 150 community members, along with 30+ members of our internal team and several institutional parties.

Successful Scaling of the Mettalex Platform

We are excited to share that we have successfully scaled the Mettalex platform. After rigorous testing involving more than 5,000 agents, our platform has proven that it can handle extensive communications without any issues. This achievement assures us that we are ready to support a growing number of community members effectively. With this successful test, we are now confidently moving towards our public release, ready to welcome more users to experience our robust system.

Public Demos and Conference Engagements

We have been actively participating in various industry conferences and delivering public demos of our platform. These events have been crucial for connecting with potential users, investors, and partners. They provide an opportunity to showcase the unique capabilities of Mettalex and to collect valuable feedback that informs further improvements and enhancements to our platform.

Checkout post from our BIZ dev Head: Here, Also see comments from key industry leaders talking about Mettalex

WIP: Cross Chain Trading

We have developed and refined an architecture for cross-chain trading facilitated through an agent-based approach. This design significantly enhances connectivity across various blockchain ecosystems.

We recently conducted an in-depth internal review of our cross-chain trades architecture. This review led to brainstorming sessions where we focused on refining our strategy for messaging across different blockchain ecosystems. We also presented these developments to our leadership, whose feedback has been invaluable in enhancing our approach.

The detailed architecture will soon be available in our documentation for everyone to access and review.

Public Release of Middleware Architecture

We are excited to announce the public release of our middleware architecture. This architecture is fundamental to enabling trades within our system and is truly the "secret sauce" behind our operations. To understand how it powers transactions and supports our platform’s functionality, check out the Mettalex Middleware Architecture here.

Flow Diagram

Discussion on commodity onboarding

Our initial plan for commodity onboarding has reached a pivotal stage. Through dedicated internal discussions and dynamic brainstorming sessions, we've refined our approach, aligning it more closely with our strategic goals. The positive feedback and constructive insights from our leadership have been instrumental in shaping our path forward. We are enthusiastically implementing these strategic enhancements, which promise to optimize our processes and elevate the user experience.

Explainer Video Release

We understand the importance of clear communication in bringing more users and community members on board with our project. That's why we've created the Mettalex Explainer Video. This 90-second video provides a straightforward and effective overview of what Mettalex is all about, highlighting our platform's key features and unique selling points. It’s designed to help anyone quickly understand how Mettalex is revolutionizing DeFi trading. If you’ve missed it, we highly encourage you to watch the video and see for yourself the value that Mettalex brings to the DeFi space.

Check it out here.

Mettalex GPT: V1

Our initial version of Mettalex GPT is designed to help you navigate our documentation and website content, along with specific project details. This would be the first step towards a chat-based (prompt-based) trading solution.

After thorough internal testing, we are pleased to report that the system is nearly ready for release. However, in our commitment to excellence and innovation, we've decided to further enhance its capabilities before public deployment

Product Designer Onboarded

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new Product Designer to our team, who is set to enhance the user experience and design across our platform. This move aligns with community feedback.

We recently held a Mettalex design workshop to integrate our designer's expertise immediately. Initially, he is focusing on developing brand guidelines that will shape the visual identity of Mettalex. Following this, he will work on improving the UI/UX for our DEX, website, and documentation.

Check it out here.

WIP: FCC token support

We are currently enhancing the Mettalex platform to include support for Fetch Compute Credits (FCC) tokens. This integration will expand the variety of assets available for trading on our platform, offering greater versatility and choice to our users.

For more insights into FCC tokens and their significance, you can read about’s recent initiatives here.

WIP: Trading Graphs on Mettalex

We are enhancing our Mettalex platform by adding trading graphs. These graphs will specifically cater to the needs of traders on our platform. By providing detailed visual representations of trading data and market trends, these graphs will empower our users to swiftly assess market conditions and make informed decisions. This improvement is designed to improve overall user experience, making it easier to track asset performance and market movements in real time.

AnyMtlx Bridge

We have started work on the AnyMtlx Bridge. Our goal is to make it available to the community by Q3. While our internal team focuses on priority items, we have hired an external agency to help expedite the development process.

Lite Paper Publication: Coming Soon

We are working on Lite Paper. This document outlines our vision, provides a detailed look at our technological framework, and lays out our future plans. The Lite Paper is designed to give our community and potential partners a clear understanding of what we aim to achieve and how we plan to get there. We look forward to sharing it with you soon and welcome your feedback as we continue our journey.

As we continue to innovate and expand, your involvement and feedback remain integral to our journey. We appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm for what we're building together at Mettalex. Stay connected with us for more updates and don't hesitate to reach out with your thoughts and questions. Together, we are shaping the future of decentralized trading. Thank you for being a vital part of our community. 🙏

We're just getting started, and there's plenty more to come! 🚀

Warm regards,

The Mettalex Team

· 2 min read

Monthly Community Update : June

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

Hello Mettalex Community,

June has been a fantastic month with significant milestones and exciting developments. Here's what has been happening in the Mettalex universe.

June update

Mettalex Explainer Video

We are excited to announce the release of our new Mettalex Explainer Video! This video provides a clear and concise overview of what Mettalex is all about and how our cutting-edge technology is transforming the DeFi space. Check it out here.

Mettalex Team offsite

Our team gathered for a productive offsite last month, a fantastic opportunity for collaboration and innovation. Check out some cool pictures. Check it out here.

Successful Demo at Berlin Blockchain Week

Mettalex made a significant impact at the Berlin Blockchain Week. Our business development head has successfully demonstrated our platform's capabilities. Check it out here.

Mettalex Private Beta Rollout

Mettalex Private Beta access was successfully rolled out last month! Selected participants are now exploring the new features and capabilities of our platform. This step is crucial as we fine-tune Mettalex based on honest user feedback to ensure a robust official launch.

If you haven't enrolled for the private beta, apply here.

Platform Development Updates

Cross-Chain Architecture Development

We've initiated work on cross-chain architecture, aiming to equip Mettalex platform for trading across different blockchains. This development will facilitate seamless trading of a diverse range of assets on our platform. We hope to soon release this architecture for community to understand better.


MTLX GPT is in the final testing stage before it is available for the private beta release. Stay tuned for this feature release to explore.

Price Graphs

We are in process to price graphs to our platform to improve user experience and provide traders with valuable market insights. These graphs offer real-time price data and historical analysis, helping you make more informed trading decisions.

Middleware Architecture

Learn more about Mettalex middleware Architecture, Which is available on the docs now. Check it out here.

Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm. Your engagement and feedback help us make Mettalex better each day. Stay tuned for more updates, and keep trading smartly!

Warm regards,

The Mettalex Team

· 8 min read

Mettalex Private Beta User Guide

Mettalex is the world's first decentralized exchange (DEX) offers innovative peer-to-peer order book trading, leveraging AI agent technology for zero-slippage transactions across various blockchains.

This guide is designed for whitelisted users to help them navigate the Mettalex platform, from connecting their wallet, setting up agents to executing their first trade. By participating in this beta, you're helping us refine and improve our features, ensuring a seamless experience for all users once we go live.

Before you start exploring the Mettalex, it's crucial to properly set up your Fetch wallet and connect it to the Dorado testnet. Here’s how you can prepare your environment:

Download and Install the Fetch wallet Extension:

Begin by downloading the Fetch wallet from the official website. Visit and download the wallet suitable for your browser.

Download fetch wallet

Setting Up Your Wallet:

Once you have installed the Fetch Wallet extension, follow the on-screen instructions to set up your wallet. This will include creating a new wallet or restoring an existing one using your seed phrase.

Wallet connect

Switch to Dorado Testnet:

After setting up your wallet, you need to configure it to connect to the Dorado network. This is essential as this private beta operates on this testnet.

Switch to Dorado Chain

Accessing Mettalex

To get started with the Mettalex private beta, follow these steps:

Visit the Platform:

Navigate to to access Mettalex in private beta environment.

Beta Platform Visit

Connect Fetch Wallet:

Ensure your Fetch wallet is ready. Make sure it’s configured to the Dorado testnet to interact with our beta platform. Click on "Connect Wallet" in the top right corner of the site and select Fetch Wallet. A popup will prompt you to sign a transaction verifying your account ownership.

Fetch wallet Connection

Connect your wallet

You will receive popup of “Wallet Connected Successfully”

Wallet Connect Message

Acquire Test Tokens:

Use the “Faucets” feature on the platform to receive test tokens. These tokens will allow you to conduct transactions during the beta phase without using real assets.

Header Details

First, claim your TESTFET tokens. These tokens will be used as gas tokens to sign transactions on the platform.

Get Balance Popup

Once you have successfully received 10 TESTFET tokens, only then you can proceed to claim other tokens such as USDT(CW20) and FET(CW20). For each type of token, you will need to sign a transaction to complete the claim. Small portion of TESTFET will be used as gas as we claim other tokens and sign the transactions.

Header with balance

Claim faucet

Testtoken balance

Gas fee deducted after claim cw20 faucet

Before diving into trading, let's get familiarized with the platform and its features:

Dashboard view

Orderbook: This section displays the market depth for each trading pair, showing the range of buy and sell orders.

Orderbook details

Trades Tab: Here, you'll find a list of all available trades on the Platform.

Trades on orderbook

Trade: Located under the Trade Tab, you execute trades or swaps. The assets you can trade from and to are displayed here, along with your balance and the desired swap price.

Trade container

Agent Logs: This section provides detailed information about the agents, including their interactions and activities.

Agent log container

Agent Network: This visualizes the network of agents within the system their interactions with each other.

Agent network container

Transaction Logs: Here, you can review all transaction details, such as order creation and funds transfers.

Txn logs container

Order Tab: This area shows details of your open and closed orders, including the status of each order.

Order section

These features are designed to give you a comprehensive view of platform trading activities and agent operations.

Start Trading:

To begin trading on the Mettalex platform, navigate to the Trade section. Here's how you can execute a trade:

Select the Assets Choose the asset you want to trade and the asset you want to receive. For example, if you want to swap 2 USDT for 2 FET at a 1:1 price, select these options from the dropdown menus. The balances of these assets will be displayed once selected.

Trade section

Initiate the Trade: Click “Trade” to initiate the trade. For initializing your account on Mettalex, the platform will prompt you to sign several transactions to set up your trading environment. This includes:

  • Creating an escrow contract.
  • Mapping the escrow contract to your account.
  • Creating your trading AI Agent.

Detailed instructions for these steps can be found in the Mettalex Docs on Initializing Your Account.

Escrow mapping

Agent mapping

Locking Funds in Escrow: Once the initial setup is complete, the platform will ask for permission to lock your funds in the escrow contract. Upon approval, your funds will be secured in the escrow contract.

Agent Activation: After locking the funds, your agents will be visible in the Agent Network. Each agent has a specific Agent Address and Wallet Address, viewable at the top right under your profile. These agents will now autonomously search for the best matching trades.

Agent Icon

Track Your Trade: As your agents work, you'll notice a reduction in your balances in the trade section, indicating that your funds are locked in escrow and actively engaged in trading.

Track balance

Monitor Your Trades:

Once you've placed your trade, your agent will secure the trade amount from the escrow contract you locked your funds into, after which they search for matching trades.

Viewing Your Trades and Orders:

Trades Section: After initiating a trade, you can view your transaction in the trades section, accessible to all platform users. This visibility allows you to monitor the market activity related to your trade and overall trades.

selected trade

Orders Section: Your trade will also appear in the open orders tab, where you can check its status, whether pending or completed. This section provides a detailed view of your trade's progress and finalization.

open order order placed

Cancellation and Refunds

If you decide to cancel your order, simply navigate to the open orders in the orders section, click on the order you would want to cancel and click on "Refund". A popup will prompt you to sign a transaction to confirm the cancellation. Once approved, the cancellation will be recorded in the Trades section. The funds that were locked in escrow will be released, and you will see your balances for the associated asset increase in the trade section.

Place a order for refund Placing a refund Refunded order

Completing Your Trade

When a suitable matching trade is found, it is executed, and funds are directly exchanged between parties/peers. In the Agent Network, an arrow will indicate that the trade has been executed between agents, signifying the successful exchange of funds. Once the trade is completed, you will see the updated asset balances in the trades section, reflecting the successful transaction.

Review Transactions and Orders:

You can access detailed information about your transactions in the 'Transaction Logs' and keep track of your orders in the 'Order Log.' Within the Transaction Logs, you will find entries for both 'Create' and 'Transfer' logs. For additional details, simply expand the transfer log entry to view comprehensive information about each transaction that has occurred.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your platform environment and executed your trade.

Feedback and Support

Feedback Form: If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please use the feedback form available on our platform. Your insights are invaluable and help us enhance the user experience.

Support: For additional support or queries, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with subject as “Mettalex Private Beta”

Confidentiality and Security

Confidentiality: Please remember that this beta is available only to selected, whitelisted users. Avoid sharing specific details or proprietary information with third parties.

Security: We prioritize your security. The Mettalex platform never stores your key phrases, and all transactions are securely processed on the blockchain.

Thank you for participating in the Mettalex private beta. Your contributions are crucial to our ongoing development and help us revolutionize decentralized finance. Let's build the future of trading together!

· 2 min read

Monthly Community Update : May

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

Hello Mettalex Community,

May has been another productive month for us at Mettalex, marked by steady progress and exciting updates. Here's a brief overview of our activities.

May update

Agent Searching Improvement

We've enhanced our AI agent's ability to search and match trades. These improvements mean faster, more efficient trading experiences, minimizing wait times.

Private Beta Access Rollout

This month marks the release of the awaited private beta of Mettalex. We are currently finalizing the selection of participants for the private beta based on form responses. Access will be released on a rolling basis. If you haven’t applied yet, there is still time. So stay tuned for further updates. The first batch will receive an email with detailed instructions this week.

Apply for Private Beta.

TradingView Integration

Integration with TradingView is underway! Soon, you can use their advanced charting tools directly on the Mettalex platform, providing deeper insights and analysis to inform your trading decisions.

Successful Private Demo at Conf3rence, Germany

We had a successful private demonstration of our platform at the Conf3rence in Germany. The demo was well-received, with positive feedback from industry experts.

See comments.

Public Demo at Berlin Blockchain Week

At Berlin Blockchain Week, 20-23 May 2024, we will showcase Mettalex to the public. The events will be a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate our platform's unique capabilities, highlighting our innovative approach to decentralized trading.

Mettalex Explainer Video - Coming Up

Mettalex is planning to release an explainer video soon. This video breaks down the complexities of decentralized finance and explains how Mettalex is making it accessible to everyone.

As we move forward, we are thrilled about the new possibilities and innovations. Your continued support and enthusiasm fuel our drive to make Mettalex the best platform it can be. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Together, we are shaping the future of decentralized trading.

Stay excited and engaged with Mettalex!

· 3 min read

Monthly Community Update: April

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

April update

Welcome to the Mettalex April Community Update! This month has been groundbreaking for us. We're pleased to share the latest achievements, initiatives, and milestones that mark our progress in this exciting journey.

Mettalex secures 1 Million USD worth of FET from community funding pool

Firstly, we extend our heartiest gratitude to all the Validators community members for the resounding approval of our funding proposal. This success marks a massive milestone of securing 1 million USD worth of FET tokens, setting the stage for accelerated growth and innovation.

Checkout the blog.

Engaging Insights: AMA with Leadership

We have bought the excellent AMA session in association with Our CEO and founder, Humayun Sheikh, and our Head of Business Development, Maria, dived deep into the workings of Mettalex, sharing our direction along with the community funding proposal. The participation was phenomenal, and we cherish our direct connection with our users.

Did you miss our AMA? Hear out.

Mettalex Roadmap Released

The Mettalex roadmap is now live, and it's not just a plan; it's our commitment to you. Throughout our journey through each Quarter of 2024, we detailed the innovative features and milestones to enhance our platform.

Take a look at our Roadmap.

Future of DeFi Trading: The Mettalex Blog Series

Curious about Mettalex and its tech and how it will revolutionize DeFi space. No Worries! We have started a new blog series, Unveiling the key features and USPs of Mettalex, which was crafted to make the complexities of DeFi trading accessible to all. Our latest entries cover zero slippage trading and the value of no liquidity pools.

Read our Blogs.

Scalable System Testing

Our system underwent rigorous stress tests to involve over 200 unique accounts to ensure our platform can handle a high volume of trades simultaneously without a hitch. These tests are crucial in guaranteeing that Mettalex is robust and capable of scaling to meet the demands of our growing community.

Take a look at our advanced orderbook functionality.

Refining Mettalex GPT

We've been tweaking the AI's algorithms to understand and execute trade prompts with even greater accuracy and efficiency with Mettalex GPT. The goal is to create an AI that can process complex trading strategies articulated in plain language, making DeFi accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience level.

See what is cooking here.

Focus on Scaling

As more users join the Mettalex ecosystem, scaling has become a focal point of our technical Roadmap. We're implementing backend improvements to ensure that our infrastructure is stable and flexible enough to accommodate our vision for the future. With this scaling efforts Mettalex will be the go-to platform where users can trade freely without worrying about system overloads or slow transaction times.

We appreciate your continued support and engagement. These updates aim to make Mettalex more resilient, efficient, and user-friendly. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming month.

· 3 min read

Experience Zero Slippage with Mettalex

Have you ever felt frustrated while trading an asset in the DeFI Platform? If yes, keep reading. In this blog series of Future of DeFi Trading, we will address a common pain point of many traders in the DeFi World - Slippage.

Have you tried swapping one asset to another in a DeFi Platform and received only less than what is displayed? Then, you have experienced slippage.

What Exactly is Slippage? 

Slippage occurs when there is a difference between the expected price of a trade and the executed price.

This usually happens during periods of high volatility or when large orders are placed. In our previous article, we explored how liquidity pools function. Essentially, these pools act as a collective basket containing two assets, facilitating asset swaps in a decentralized setting. When one asset in the pool experiences a surge in demand, and there isn't enough liquidity to maintain the price at which you intend to execute the trade.

Let's take Alice as an example. Imagine Alice wants to swap 1000 USDT for 1000 USDC, expecting a 1:1 trade. However, due to slippage, she ends up receiving less than 1000 USDC. This difference can be frustrating and costly, especially for frequent traders.

Mettalex Zero slippage Trading!

How does Mettalex address this issue? With our unique peer-to-peer (P2P) order book DEX, we eliminate the need for traditional liquidity pools. Here's how it benefits you:

At Mettalex, traders like Alice and Bob can set up trades directly with each other. This direct trading mechanism bypasses the need for liquidity pools, thereby eliminating slippage. When Alice wants to trade 1000 USDT for 1000 USDC, she receives precisely what she sees—no surprises.

Mettalex leverages Fetch.AI AI agent technology to match trades efficiently. These agents operate autonomously, ensuring that every trade executes at the intended price, regardless of market volatility. This provides a fairer trading environment and enhances user experience by providing price certainty.

Benefits to Users

  • Transparency and Fairness: Every trader receives the exact amount they agree to during the trade, fostering a more trustworthy environment.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminating slippage means traders no longer lose money on unexpected price changes. This is particularly beneficial in high-stake trades.
  • Simplicity and Accessibility: Our platform is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for newcomers like Alice to trade without worrying about the complexities of slippage and liquidity pools.

Explore the future of DeFi trading with Mettalex today. Sign up to join our private beta release, join our vibrant community, and experience the benefits of zero-slippage trades for yourself.

· 2 min read

March update

At the heart of blockchain lies decentralization. Where transactions happen directly without the oversight of any central authorities. Yet, reality is different where it is patchwork on different isolated networks—introducing Mettalex's AI Agent, which provides a solution to bridge this isolated/divided network not with fancy infrastructure but with Intelligence and Autonomy. Let us deep dive into this blog series of Future of DeFi Trading about AI Agents and how mettalex march towards decentralization.

AI Agents: The Unseen Workforce of Decentralized Trading

AI Agents are like personal Assistants, like Jarvis in the Marvel Universe or Batman's loyal butler, Alfred. They operate silently in the background, executing tasks with precision and dedication. Deployable anywhere by anyone.

You can deploy your AI Agents on any system, such as your PC, laptop, smartphone, or even Raspberry Pi board, and start Autonomous trading.

AI Agents don't rely on third-party services, ensuring that your trading strategies remain autonomous, anonymous, and, most importantly, in your control.

Mettalex: Empowerment Through Ownership

In Mettalex, you're not merely a user; you're the ruler of your realm. AI agents belong exclusively to you, executing trades, implementing trading strategies you define, monitoring market conditions on your behalf, and seamlessly executing trades across various blockchains, all while ensuring anonymity and autonomy.

A Simple Example: Alice and Bob's Decentralized Trade

Imagine Alice wants to trade her Ethereum for Bob's Bitcoin. In a conventional setup, this would involve navigating complex exchanges, dealing with slippage, and paying hefty fees.

With Mettalex, Alice and Bob deploy their AI agents (wherever they prefer), which autonomously find the best trade conditions and execute the exchange directly, without intermediaries or a single point of failure. Think of all your agents forming a network like Torrents do, they are autonomous and interconnected with independent strategies enabling decentralization. But here they are smart; agents execute trades on your behalf while you remain in full control.

As we march towards a truly decentralized future, Mettalex stands at the forefront, harnessing the power of AI agents to dismantle the barriers that have long kept blockchain networks apart. We invite you to join us by signing up for the private beta release.


· 3 min read

March update

In the world of cryptocurrency, each blockchain operates like its own unique universe. For instance, Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) are like two countries with their own rules, currencies, and communication methods. As you can imagine, sending assets from one to another isn't straightforward—there's no direct line of communication between these networks. In this Mettalex Future of DeFi Trading blog series, we will dive deep into how mettalex can securely and efficiently trade assets across different blockchains.

Current Cross-Chain Trading Mechanisms 

Let's use our classic example of Alice and Bob as our guides to walk through this blog of cross-chain trading. Let us assume that Alice has Ethereum (ETH) and wants to trade Bitcoin (BTC) with Bob. They can trade themselves directly, But in this Decentralized world, it is difficult to understand the other party's requirements or find matching trades. Hence, they likely use a bridge, which locks up Alice's ETH and issues a token on the Bitcoin network representing her ETH, and then Bob trades his BTC for that token. However, the token Alice receives “ETH” on the Bitcoin blockchain would be a “Wrapped” one that carries the same significant value as the token/coin on the native chain.  Sounds simple, right? Well, keep reading for real challenges.

The Bridge Dilemma

However, bridges are far from perfect. They are like international airports, which require a lot of security and maintenance to operate smoothly.

Quick Bites: Crypto Bridges hacks account for more than 70% of the total attacks in the blockchain industry, as per Chainalysis, a major blockchain firm. Check here:

This comes at a huge security cost and high transaction costs, and it requires constant monitoring of smart contracts to mint and release assets in another blockchain, which is even more costlier when operating a bridge.

Mettalex: A New Era of Cross-Chain Trading

Enter Mettalex, making the need for bridges obsolete for cross-chain trading.

Imagine if Alice and Bob could communicate directly through a translator—this is what Mettalex does with AI agents.

The agents form a network of their own, in which they communicate with each other.

Let us take the example of Alice and Bob from earlier. Now, with the introduction of agents as a layer, when Alice locks ETH on Ethereum to trade with BTC, Alice’s agent now communicates with the agent network in search of an agent whose owner wants to trade BTC with ETH. Here, Alice’s agent stumbles upon Bob’s agent. This discovery is independent of blockchains from which assets belong. Once both alice and bob’s agent agree to trade (which they do autonomously) they execute the orders independently and transfer funds to opposing accounts. This means Bob now receives ETH on ethereum while Alice receives BTC on bitcoin network.

Why Mettalex is better

  • No More Bridges: Directly trade assets between chains without exhausting bridging processes.
  • Security and Efficiency: Eliminate the security risks and high costs associated with traditional bridges.
  • Empowerment for All Traders: Whether you're like Alice, with just a bit of ETH, or Bob, looking to diversify his BTC, Mettalex provides a platform where anyone can participate in the DeFi space efficiently and safely.

Mettalex isn't just another DeFi platform. It is a groundbreaking revolution in the DeFi space, And our AI agents are facilitating seamless, direct trades across different blockchains. Don't just take it from ourside. Join it yourself by signing up for our private beta release.

· 4 min read

March update

Introducing Mettalex - The World's first Peer-to-Peer Order book and Agent-based #DEX Powered by Agent technology. Providing superior market access also ensures "zero slippage" (what you see is what you get ) during trades by eliminating the Liquidity pools (LPs). Let us deep dive into this blog series to understand key concepts and unique features of how mettalex replaces conventional Liquidity pools.

What are Liquidity Pools (LPs)? 

Let's use the classic example of Alice and Bob to understand in detail what are Liquidity pools.

Suppose Alice wants to Trade/ swap some crypto asset like BTC (Bitcoin) for Bob's ETH (Ethereum). In the traditional market, they would trade directly. However, in many decentralized platforms (DeFi), you would have to create a basket (Liquidity pool) filled with BTCs and ETHs contributed by the decentralized community. This basket/liquidity pool helps Alice and Bob or anyone who trades BTCs and ETHs anytime at the market price.

Problems with current Liquidity pools

Even though the Liquidity pool looks lucrative and handy, it is not what it is; it comes with various short-comes like:

Slippage: Liquidity pools must rely on other individuals to fill in the basket / Pools with assets, which can often lead to shortages. What if the quantity of the assets in the pool relative to the trade is low, which creates an imbalance that leads to "Slippage"? Where Alice ends up getting fewer assets and at a price which is different that expected.

No Liquidity pools available: Limitations kick in when there are no LPs for assets you wish to perform. For example, if Alice wants to swap BTC for XRP, but there aren't LPs available at the moment, Alice has to swap BTC for USDT First and USDT for XRP second, which puts Alice to execute two different trades. This results in Alice paying twice the gas fees and possibly getting fewer assets than expected.

Impermanent Loss: Those who fill in with the basket often face "impermanent loss." Suppose in a basket / LPs of BTC/ETH if the value of one asset skyrockets in this price /value people would put in ETH to withdraw BTC might create an impermanent loss for the LP Providers.

Mettalex: Smart way to do trades

With Mettalex, we thought - why complicate things? If Alice and Bob want to trade/swap assets directly from peer to peer without basket / LPs, there should be no middlemen.

Mettalex peer-to-peer order book and AI agent-based DEX powered by agent technology allows Alice and Bob to trade directly/swap assets by its innovative order matching AI Agents, which execute trades/swaps on your behalf without the need for conventional liquidity pools, thus eliminating the slippage, impermanent loss—just simple and direct trading.

It enables cross-chain trading for individuals even if the traders are on different blockchain ecosystems. This allows significant expansion of the trading ecosystem, thus scaling the opportunities for the traders.

Mettalex offers to trade all digital assets like crypto, commodities and tokenized tangible world assets.

Why Mettalex is better

No Liquidity pools: Just two parties/members can trade assets without needing someone to create a liquidity pool; irrespective of pairs, trades can happen.

Empowering smaller trades: Empowering the community and allowing small traders to participate in decentralized finance without losing much on the fees and slippage.

Unprecedented expansion ecosystem for the traders:

Cross-chain cross-assets: Mettalex offers trades across different blockchain ecosystems at ease without the need to identify the routes or look out for the security of the bridges.

Improved Inclusion: supporting smaller and larger traders in the ecosystem, ensuring equal access to DeFi opportunities.

Mettalex isn't just another DeFi platform. It is a revolution in the future of decentralized trading. Mettalex offers a solution that's efficient, fair, and accessible to everyone. Whether you're Alice, Bob, or someone looking to trade without a headache. Sign up for the private beta release and get a chance to try out Mettalex.

· 3 min read

Mettalex Community Update - March

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

March update

Welcome to the March edition of our Mettalex Monthly Community Update! We've seen remarkable milestones, launched new initiatives, and continued to strengthen our community bonds. Let's dive into the highlights.

Upcoming AMA on YouTube

Stay tuned for our next AMA session, which we plan to host on YouTube for the first time. This will provide a more interactive and engaging platform for our community to connect and have their questions answered, especially regarding AnyMTLX.

Roadmap Release

We’re excited to announce that our detailed and finalized roadmap will be released soon. This document will outline our vision, upcoming features, and the strategic direction of Mettalex.


In our forthcoming AMA, we will directly address community queries and concerns regarding AnyMTLX tokens. We're dedicated to transparency and solutions that safeguard our community's interests. Our CEO will directly provide resolution on this matter.

Drafting Proposal for Fetch Community Pool

We’re in the process of drafting a proposal to secure funding from the Fetch community pool. This funding will significantly contribute to product development, marketing, and liquidity provision.

Twitter Blue

We're thrilled to announce that Mettalex is officially verified on Twitter! Our blue checkmark symbolizes authenticity and a milestone in our journey to bring revolutionary DeFi solutions to the forefront. Follow us @Mettalex for the latest updates, insights, and community engagements.

Website V2 Launch

The launch of our revamped website marks a new chapter for Mettalex. With an excellent design, improved navigation, and enriched content, including a career page and an About Us section. We're enhancing your experience on our platform. Check out here

Platform Development Updates

Orderbook Implementation

We’ve successfully integrated an advanced orderbook model, enhancing our platform's trading efficiency and user experience. This significant leap forward allows for more dynamic and precise trading strategies.

Exploring Prompt-Based Trading with LLM

Our team is working on Large Language Models (LLM) for prompt-based trading. This pioneering approach aims to simplify complex trading strategies through natural language prompts, making DeFi more accessible for everyone.

Gearing Up for Private Beta Release

Intensive internal testing is underway to ensure a seamless and robust private beta launch. The Public private release should be out in couple of days.

Hiring Update

Our search for a creative UX/UI Designer continues! We're on the lookout for someone with a passion for design and innovation in the DeFi space. Do you know the perfect candidate? Spread the word! Or share

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for Mettalex. Your involvement is key to our collective success, and we're excited to journey into the future of DeFi trading together. Let's keep the conversation going—share your thoughts and feedback with us on




· 3 min read

Mettalex Community Update - February

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

February update

Greetings Mettalex Community!

As we leap into February, the Mettalex team has been tirelessly working to bring you updates and improvements across the board. From website revamps to engaging community events, here's what's been happening in our ecosystem.

Hiring for UX/UI Designer

We're searching for a creative UX/UI Designer to enhance our Platform's user experience, making DeFi trading intuitive and accessible. Interested in designing the future of finance? Reach out to us or keep an eye on our Careers page.

Website Makeover

We are excited to announce the launch of our revamped website with a fresh and modern look; our platform now offers an enhanced user experience with complete information about Mattalex. Dive in to explore the sleek new design of Mettalex's Official website.

Community Showcase Success

Last month, we hosted our most anticipated community showcase, and it was a fantastic success! We want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who participated, shared insights, and engaged with our team. Your enthusiasm fuels our mission. We will soon be sharing the recorded demo along with v2 of the new website.

Exclusive Demo for Private Partners

Following our Community showcase, We've also conducted an exclusive demo for our private partners, highlighting our latest milestone achievements. This has been well received by the partners.

YouTube Channel Launch

Missed our Community Showcase? No worries! We've launched the official Mettalex YouTube Channel, where you can catch up on all the action. Subscribe to Mettalex's YouTube for Demos, tutorials, event recordings, and insightful content.

Anticipating Private Release

The excitement doesn't stop there! We're currently scaling the Mettalex platform to welcome more users for testing. Keep an eye out for the early access form coming your way soon. This is your chance to get a firsthand look at the future of decentralized trading.

Event Highlights

Our own Mehul took the stage at the prestigious IEEE Blockchain Conference in Pune, India, presenting Mettalex and demonstrating how we're revolutionizing DeFi with autonomous agents. His talk not only shed light on our unique value proposition but also placed Mettalex on the map among industry leaders and innovators.

Scaling for Success

As Mettalex welcomes more users for testing, our team is intensively focused on enhancing system scalability. We're committed to ensuring the platform remains stable and efficient, adapting to increased demand without compromising on performance.

Tech Updates

Our team is enthusiastically dedicating efforts to enhance the system's stability and scalability in preparation for our exclusive private launch. This involves deep engagement with Kubernetes (K8s), system optimization, and thoughtful refactoring to ensure top-notch performance. Furthermore, we are committed to innovating user experience by making each user unit self-contained, aiming for complete decentralization.

Stay Updated with Mettalex

Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates and insights directly to your inbox. Never miss out on Mettalex news and developments!

· 4 min read

Mettalex Community Update - January

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

January update

Happy New Year to all in the Mettalex community! As we enter into an exciting New Year filled with possibilities and opportunities, we are thrilled to share the latest updates and progress made in the Mettalex ecosystem.

This month has been buzzing with activities, from strategic developments in our token utility to technical advancements that promise to elevate our platform to new heights. Let's dive into the exciting journey we embark on this January.

MTLX Utility Discussion and Release

We started the year by giving our $MTLX token a boost. Thanks to your feedback and deep discussions, we've added more ways to use $MTLX in our ecosystem. We've expanded the utility of $MTLX. It's not just for governance anymore – now, it's a big part of how users interact with our platform.

Explore Our Updated Mettalex Utility

MTLX Tokenomics Revamp

We've also taken a close look at how $MTLX works economically. We've carefully revamped the $MTLX tokenomics. The elimination of Liquidity pool in the new system design marks a paradigm shift from traditional systems, also affecting tokenomics. This new system, inturn, revamps tokenomics by locking 80% of the MTLX token for over-collateralization of commodities ensuring a solid & tangible monetary backing for every commodity on our platform.

Explore Our Redesigned Mettalex Tokenomics

Please note, the details and specifics of this new token distribution model for the Mettalex ($MTLX) ecosystem are preliminary and subject to potential adjustments, based on ongoing reviews, community feedback, and evolving market conditions.

Progressing Towards a Scalable System on Cosmos

One of our major technical milestones this month is the near completion of transitioning to a scalable system on the Cosmos network. This significant upgrade will empower Mettalex with enhanced efficiency and scalability, catering to the evolving demands of the DeFi sector and ensuring a superior trading experience for our users.

Meet the Mettalex Team

Enhancements in UI for Greater Accessibility

At Mettalex, user experience is paramount. We have implemented several minor yet impactful UI enhancements aimed at improving platform accessibility. These updates are a testament to our ongoing commitment to providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface for our diverse community.

Anticipation for the Private Release

The excitement is solid as we gear up for the much-awaited private release of Mettalex in January. This phase is crucial, showcasing the latest features and functionalities refined by our team. Stay tuned for the Early Access Form.

Sneak Peek-Upcoming Showcase

Get a glimpse of our dynamic Agent Network, where you see your agents engage with others within the Mettalex Ecosystem. Anticipate the excitement as we prepare for the upcoming community showcase!

Agent update

Mettalex Website Makeover

Big news – we're giving the Mettalex website a major makeover! Our team is working hard to revamp the site, making it more user-friendly, informative, and visually appealing. Watch for the new look designed to enhance your experience with Mettalex. Thank you to our community members for all the suggestions.

Ongoing Strategic Partnerships

We are continuously engaging in discussions with potential partners to explore synergies and collaborative opportunities that will further enhance the Mettalex ecosystem.

Engagement with CEX

Our team is in active discussions with several leading Centralized Exchanges (CEX) for potential listing of the $MTLX token, aiming to increase accessibility, increasing liquidity, and enhancing token utility.

Participation in Key Industry Events

In 2023, Mettalex has made an enormous presence at key industry events, fostering connections and sharing insights on the future of DeFi. It will attend several prominent blockchain and DeFi events in 2024. We will present our platform and engage with industry leaders to foster relationships and gain insights. Stay Tuned for the announcement of specific event details, which is coming shortly.

As we continue our journey in 2024, our commitment to innovation, security, and community engagement remains unwavering. The Mettalex team is grateful for your continued support and enthusiasm. Together, we are united to redefine the DeFi and DEX landscape. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey, and stay tuned for more exciting updates!

· 4 min read

Mettalex Community Update - December

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

December update

Greetings, Mettalex Community!

Hold onto your seats because we're about to take you on an exhilarating ride through the latest and greatest at Mettalex. Brace yourselves for a series of thrilling updates and groundbreaking advancements that are set to boost our platform.

Let's embark on this exhilarating journey together!

Hiring Update

Welcoming Monish as Marketing Manager

We're delighted to announce that Monish has joined our team as the Marketing Manager, ready to propel our marketing strategies to new heights.

Onboarding a DevOps Engineer

To ensure our system's scalability and robustness, we've brought on board a skilled DevOps engineer, a strategic move towards enhancing our platform's performance and capacity

Cosmocon Update

We're thrilled to share our wonderful experience at Cosmocon Bangalore, held during the IBW Week , showcasing Mettalex and connecting with other innovators in the blockchain space. The insights and connections gained are invaluable in our journey forward.

Checkout the cool snaps here

Docs V1 Release

In our commitment to transparency and ease of use, we're excited to announce the release of our V1 documentation. This detailed guide offers an in-depth understanding of Mettalex's P2P orderbook and agent-based DEX, designed to enlighten traders and the community about our platform's architecture and workflow, along with some additional information about the system.

Check our V1 Technical Docs here:

Our documentation is continuously evolving. In our upcoming releases We'll be enriching it with additional technical insights, information about the Mettalex team, and perspectives tailored for traders. Stay tuned for the latest enhancements!

Community Showcase

Mark your calendars for an electrifying showcase event slated for the second week of January 2024 on Discord,we're hosting a special session dedicated to the Mettalex community. Keep an eye out on our socials for further details and join us for a chance to engage with our team and gain deeper insights into Mettalex.

Private Beta Release

Get ready for an exclusive sneak peek at Mettalex's latest developments with our Private Beta release coming mid-January 2024! We're thrilled to offer early access to our community members. Stay tuned for the Early Access Form, and be prepared to be one of the initial explorers to test drive our platform. Applications will open on a rolling basis – don't miss out!

Demo to Potential Partners

We've been actively demonstrating Mettalex's capabilities to potential partners, expanding our network and exploring new collaborative opportunities.

Discussion with CEX for Listing

Inorder to increase accessibility and exposure of $MTLX, we're in talks with leading Centralized Exchanges (CEX) to list our token, broadening our reach in the crypto market.

Development Update

Enhancing System Stability

Our team is dedicatedly working on strengthening the system's stability for a seamless trading experience.

Tour Guide for New Users

To make Mettalex more welcoming and accessible, we're developing a tour guide, making it easier for new users to navigate and utilize our platform.

Efficiency Improvement

We're constantly refining our system to boost its efficiency, ensuring faster and more reliable trading for our users.

Integrate AI engine (WIP)

We're excited to share an update on integrating the Fetch AI engine into Mettalex. This integration is a game-changer, bringing AI-powered precision to your trading experience. Now, chat with your agent through our chat interface for a trading experience customized to your preferences and objectives. By leveraging large language models (LLMs), the AI engine can accurately understand and interpret your trading goals and priorities.

We are immensely grateful for your ongoing support and engagement. Your input is crucial in shaping Mettalex's future, and we're committed to delivering an unparalleled trading experience. Stay connected with us for the latest updates and share your feedback anytime.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, we're forging a path towards a more decentralized and efficient trading future.

Until our next update, stay curious and empowered!

· 3 min read

Mettalex Community Update - November

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

november update

Greetings, Mettalex Enthusiasts!

We are excited to bring you the latest update from the Mettalex team as we continue to advance decentralized trading. In this month's update, we have several important developments and initiatives to share with you. Let's dive into what's been happening behind the scenes:

Hiring for marketing

We are currently in the process of interviewing candidates for a key marketing role within the Mettalex team. This strategic addition to our team will help us strengthen our marketing efforts and expand our outreach to the community.

Native Token Support

We have achieved on adding native token support to the Mettalex platform. This will enhance the utility of our platform and provide more options for our users to engage in trading activities.

System Scalability

Scalability is a crucial aspect of our platform's development. We are focused on optimizing and expanding our infrastructure to accommodate increased user activity, ensuring a seamless trading experience even during peak periods.

Documents Improvements

Continuing our commitment to transparency, we are making significant improvements to our technical documentation. This will make it easier for both developers and users to understand and utilize the Mettalex platform effectively.

UI/UX Discussion

We value the user experience, and we are actively engaging in discussions to enhance the UI/UX of our product. The feedback received is invaluable to us, and we are working to create a more user-friendly and intuitive trading interface.

Discord Showcase

Get ready for an exciting event! We are planning a special showcase on Discord in December. Stay tuned for more details, as this will be a great opportunity to connect with our team and learn more about Mettalex.

Partnership & Collaboration

We are exploring and continuing partnerships and collaborations with other projects in the blockchain space. These collaborations will help us expand our ecosystem and provide more value to our users.

Coming Soon

Early Access for Private Release: We have exciting news on the horizon! We will soon be offering early access for our private release. Keep an eye out for announcements on how you can be among the first to experience it.

We appreciate your continued support and involvement in the Mettalex community. Your insights and feedback are instrumental in shaping the future of decentralized trading. We are committed to delivering the best possible trading experience, and each step takes us closer to that goal.

Stay connected with us on our social media platforms for real-time updates, and please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and feedback with us.

Thank you for being a part of the Mettalex journey. Together, we are paving the way for the future of decentralized trading.

Until next time, stay curious and stay informed!

· 3 min read

Mettalex Community Update - October

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

October update

Hello, Mettalex Community!

Last month has been an exhilarating month for us, packed with developments, enhancements, and growth. As we strive to take Mettalex to greater heights, it is with immense pleasure that we share the strides we’ve taken. Our progress this month spans both technical innovations and valuable community engagements.

Team Expansion

First and foremost, we are thrilled to announce the addition of a new Engineer to our team. His expertise will ensure the quality assurance of our system, enhancing the Mettalex experience for all our users.


Our time at Cosmoverse was a fantastic voyage! We not only learned and engaged with other innovators but also showcased Mettalex's potential. It was an extremely fruitful event that promises exciting prospects for the future.

Smart Contract Advancements

Escrow Evolution

We've enhanced the escrow system to support both full and partial trades with a better funds transfer and execution process. We are rigorously testing it against known breakpoints and integrated robust error handling. Furthermore, we're in the process of adding functions to ensure funds are always in the control of users.

Frontend Enhancement

Streamlined On-boarding

We've improved the onboarding process to make it clearer and faster. It now goes step by step: agent creation, agent mapping, escrow creation and mapping, and then finishes with funds locking.

Transaction Logs & UI Updates

We’ve polished our transaction logs structure and integrated faucets. Our revamped UI is more intuitive.

Agent Optimizations

Queue System

Introduced to maintain agent trade details and ensure consecutive trades are processed efficiently. Robust Agent Handling: If an agent stops and then restarts, our system now checks for pre-existing wallet-agent mappings to ensure uninterrupted ## operations.

Event-Fetcher Library

We’ve integrated our updated event-fetcher library, enhancing event polling capabilities.

Agent Network Refinements

We've optimized agent network dependencies, ensuring smoother and more reliable transactions.

Simplified Order Calculations

We've migrated the complex partial order calculations from the agent's end, simplifying the transfer process by pushing calculations to Middleware.

System Containerization

We’ve tackled and resolved issues related to system containerization, making deployments smoother.

Test Server Deployment

The Mettalex system is now live on our test server internally. Preliminary testing has been fruitful, and we are actively working on improvements.

Documentation Updates

Following last month's cleanup, we’re adding some fresh content to our docs. It's going to be more insightful and yet simple enough for everyone to understand.

Private Demos

Continuing our momentum from last month, we've been showcasing Mettalex's capabilities to prospective partners. The response has been encouraging, and while we can't reveal details yet, we're optimistic about future collaborations.

In conclusion, we wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our dedicated community. Your unwavering support and trust propel us forward, and we remain committed to delivering the best of Mettalex. Stay tuned for more thrilling updates, and as always, thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

· 3 min read

Mettalex Community Update - September

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

september update

Hello Mettalex Community,

As we wrap up another productive month, we're excited to share our latest updates and advancements with you. We’ve been working hard on various fronts to make Mettalex the most secure, efficient, and user-friendly P2P order book DEX. Here's a quick rundown of what we've been up to.

MTLX Reimbursement Completed

The reimbursement process for users who previously encountered issues with MTLX token withdrawals on Mettalex is now successfully completed. Additional compensations have been provided as a testament to our commitment to the community. The community's patience and ongoing support throughout this process have been invaluable, and we wish to express our deepest appreciation.

Ongoing Discussions with Multiple Exchanges for MTLX Listing

We are thrilled to inform you that discussions are ongoing with multiple exchanges to list our MTLX token. This is a strategic move aimed at increasing liquidity, enhancing price discovery, and giving more users access to our token.

Discussion on Regulations

We're actively engaged in discussions around regulatory considerations to ensure that we remain compliant and adaptable to the evolving landscape. While we can't share specifics at this time, please know that we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of trust and security for our community.

Security Middleware

In light of the increasing threats in the decentralized world, we are developing a Security Middleware layer that will add an extra layer of protection for all transactions happening on the Mettalex platform. We’re in the final stages of testing and you can expect to see it integrated soon.

Technical Documentation [V1 in Review]

The first version of our technical documentation is nearing completion and is currently under review. This comprehensive guide will include architecture diagrams, user journeys, and more to provide a detailed understanding of the Mettalex system. We're committed to keeping it updated regularly, and we aim to release it soon.

3rd Party Strategy Implementation on Agents [Strategy V1]

Currently working on enabling third-party strategy integration with our agents. This will allow users to deploy strategies on cloud services like AWS or GCP and interact through predefined endpoints. The aim is to give agents the ability to act based on these user-defined strategies.

Testing the System with Multiple Agents

We have been rigorously testing the system with multiple agents to identify any areas of improvement. This allows us to make timely updates and ensure a seamless user experience.

Event Fetcher Library for Fetch Network Event Polling: Made it More Generic

We've enhanced our Fetch Network Event Polling library, initially developed for Mettalex. It now has broader capabilities to efficiently fetch and filter network events for diverse use cases.

We plan to introduce this updated library alongside a blog post, aiming to provide a useful tool for the wider Fetchai developer community.

Agent persistence

To improve our system’s robustness, we have been working on implementing agent persistence. This feature will ensure that the agents running various operations on the Mettalex platform can be shut down and re-instantiated again without any breaking changes to the system.

Private Demos to Potential Partners

We’ve been busy showcasing the capabilities of Mettalex to potential strategic partners. These private demos are a key step toward broadening our ecosystem and establishing partnerships that add value to our community.

We appreciate your continued support and engagement. These updates are aimed at making Mettalex more resilient, efficient, and user-friendly. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming month.

· 3 min read

Mettalex Community Update - August

The latest community update from the Mettalex team!

August update

Hello Mettalex Community,

As we wrap up another productive month, we're excited to share our latest updates and advancements with you. We’ve been working hard on various fronts to make Mettalex the most secure, efficient, and user-friendly P2P order book DEX. Here's a quick rundown of what we've been up to.

MTLX Reimbursement Completed

The reimbursement process for users who previously encountered issues with MTLX token withdrawals on Mettalex is now successfully completed. Additional compensations have been provided as a testament to our commitment to the community. The community's patience and ongoing support throughout this process have been invaluable, and we wish to express our deepest appreciation.

Ongoing Discussions with Multiple Exchanges for MTLX Listing

We are thrilled to inform you that discussions are ongoing with multiple exchanges to list our MTLX token. This is a strategic move aimed at increasing liquidity, enhancing price discovery, and giving more users access to our token.

Discussion on Regulations

We're actively engaged in discussions around regulatory considerations to ensure that we remain compliant and adaptable to the evolving landscape. While we can't share specifics at this time, please know that we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of trust and security for our community.

Security Middleware:

In light of the increasing threats in the decentralized world, we are developing a Security Middleware layer that will add an extra layer of protection for all transactions happening on the Mettalex platform. We’re in the final stages of testing and you can expect to see it integrated soon.

Technical Documentation [V1 in Review]

The first version of our technical documentation is nearing completion and is currently under review. This comprehensive guide will include architecture diagrams, user journeys, and more to provide a detailed understanding of the Mettalex system. We're committed to keeping it updated regularly, and we aim to release it soon.

3rd Party Strategy Implementation on Agents [Strategy V1]

Currently working on enabling third-party strategy integration with our agents. This will allow users to deploy strategies on cloud services like AWS or GCP and interact through predefined endpoints. The aim is to give agents the ability to act based on these user-defined strategies.

Testing the System with Multiple Agents

We have been rigorously testing the system with multiple agents to identify any areas of improvement. This allows us to make timely updates and ensure a seamless user experience.

Event Fetcher Library for Fetch Network Event Polling: Made it More Generic

We've enhanced our Fetch Network Event Polling library, initially developed for Mettalex. It now has broader capabilities to efficiently fetch and filter network events for diverse use cases.

We plan to introduce this updated library alongside a blog post, aiming to provide a useful tool for the wider Fetchai developer community.

Agent persistence

To improve our system’s robustness, we have been working on implementing agent persistence. This feature will ensure that the agents running various operations on the Mettalex platform can be shut down and re-instantiated again without any breaking changes to the system.

Private Demos to Potential Partners

We’ve been busy showcasing the capabilities of Mettalex to potential strategic partners. These private demos are a key step toward broadening our ecosystem and establishing partnerships that add value to our community.

We appreciate your continued support and engagement. These updates are aimed at making Mettalex more resilient, efficient, and user-friendly. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming month.

· 4 min read


What is Mettalex? A P2P Agent-based DEX, employing an order book model, is built upon the blockchain using Agent-based technology.

Hello Mettalex Enthusiasts! Welcome back to another eagerly anticipated community update. As Mettalex continues to embark on its groundbreaking journey, we’re here to keep you closely aligned with what's happening behind the scenes. Let’s take a look at the latest advances and challenges that our team has encountered this month as they work to shape the future of decentralized trading.

Key Updates

Contract Factory: In our architecture, each Agent will have their own contract. This solution enables the creation of a contract from the Contract Factory itself. Moreover, in the spirit of fostering innovation, we're excited to announce that we will soon make this code open-source! This will empower the developer community to reuse the code and take it as a reference for writing contract factories for their own projects.

Event Polling: Another exciting development is the implementation of event polling which retrieves events from the Fetch blockchain and notifies the Agent to undertake subsequent actions. This is crucial in ensuring that the agents are always in sync and responsive to the state of the blockchain. Like the Contract Factory, we are also planning to make this code open-source for the community.

Agent Factory (Work in Progress): Our ongoing task is the Agent Factory which will allow every user to create their own Agent within the project, in just a few clicks. Not only will this make the process streamlined, but it will also be possible to view agents on Agentverse, the Fetch,ai Agent explorer.

Performance & Code Optimization: As Mettalex evolves, we are constantly tuning and optimizing the performance of our platform to ensure a seamless and efficient experience for all users.

UI/UX Refinement: User experience is at the heart of what we do, and we have been working on refining the UI/UX elements of Mettalex. This is to ensure that the platform is not only functional but also intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.


Strategy Implementation Within Agents [V1: 3rd party strategy implementation]: We’re excited to unveil this new development which will transform the way users interact with agents on Mettalex. What does this mean? Well, agents on Mettalex are now becoming smarter and more powerful. With this new integration, users can implement custom trading strategies directly within their agents. This is a game-changer as it automates the trading process based on pre-set rules and criteria without the need for constant monitoring.

Mettalex website revamp: The Mettalex team is currently working on updating the website. We aim to keep things fresh and ensure that all the content is up-to-date.

Feature Addition: As we continue to enhance the Mettalex platform, we are excited to share some new features that have been added to improve trading experience. These features are designed to give more control and flexibility over trading activities. Here’s what’s new;

Cancel Order: We understand that trading conditions can change rapidly and sometimes you might need to change your trading plans. The 'Cancel Order' feature allows you to swiftly cancel any pending orders if you decide that it's the best course of action.

Partial Trading: Partial trading means that your trade will patch with a partial order as well and no need to wait around till an exactly matching opposing order comes into play. This feature will be greatly beneficial for large order amounts.

Trade with Preferred Agent: Customization and preference play a vital role in a trader's journey. The new 'Trade with Preferred Agent' feature lets you select a specific Agent to trade with. This gives you more control over your trading experience, allowing you to align your trades with the agents that best suit your trading style and objectives. We believe these additions will greatly enhance your trading experience on Mettalex and empower you to trade more efficiently and strategically. We’re always keen to hear your feedback, so don’t hesitate to let us know what you think!

Conclusion: We are grateful for the support of our community. As pioneers, innovating the DeFi space, the dedication and insight from everyone involved are what propel Mettalex forward. With each step, we’re closer to realizing the vision of a more robust, secure, and revolutionary trading ecosystem. Don’t forget to join the conversation on our social media platforms and, as always, keep your eyes peeled for the next exciting community update. Until then, stay curious.